Finally, the weekend is here, the time I like the most. I was wondering what I should write about and got many ideas, so I decided to write about a bit of everything going on around me these days. Let’s start with the month of August…

August 2010
The month started with me having that damn flu (fortunately it was not the AH1N1 thing! :p). All I was doing was sleeping, watching tv, and browsing the net. The most horrible thing about it was that headache which was always bothering me. I guess I was like that for about a week, then things went back to normal.
Then came the students’ meeting for orientation of freshers at the faculty. We were given some responsibilities by Navish and I was to be the mentor of the Biotechnology year 1 student. I was not expecting that because biotechnology is not my specialisation or my type of thing!
Orientation day: 9th August 2010
I arrived at the faculty around 9:30 and the students were already in the RBLT. Peeking inside, i noticed that there were less students than usual,but then i guess its normal since only 3 courses were on offer this year.
In the afternoon, it was time to take the biotechnology students from the RBLT to the lecture rooms to give them an overview of the faculty (a bit of everything on FOA). After that, we made them visit the campus and it was really nice! Although I was tired, I liked having new friends and share my experience with them! 🙂
Back to uni – Year 3
The first thing that I found cool is my timetable! We are free on Fridays for dissertation work! 🙂
Then the modules are also cool. They are more interactive than before and I enjoy things like group work, debates and presentation. In short, am liking all the classes, learning new things, having new friends around, helping the year 1 students, etc.
World Food Day 2010
I’m currently working on this event (together with the other members of AS on the wiki we have created), to be organised by the Agricultural Society and the Faculty of Agriculture. The project proposal has already been done, looking forward to meet the Dean on Monday. Hope everything goes well!
My new swimming pool!
Another great thing about this month is that I got a new swimming pool at Pereybere. But unfortunately, we are in the month of Ramadan, so I don’t think we’l be using it before Eid.
Essay Competition
Its the first time I’ve participated in an essay competition and this one was for the CTA Ardyis project – Agriculture Rural Development Youth ICT. I got a mail from them saying that they got the essay, so now I just have to wait and see what happens..
Well, so much have happened these days that I don’t remember all of them. The general thing is that I’m getting more and more interested in my subject, and am loving it! :))
Am off to Pereybere now, so I better stop here and continue later! Have a nice weekend peeps! :p
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