Today I had my poster presentation for dissertation at university and also VIVA VOCE with Professor C.Garforth from the University of Reading, UK. He’s a very cool person and both went very well. I’m really hoping to get good grades now! 🙂
With this, a new stage of my life is going to begin with my new job as Sales Coordinator at the Meaders Feeds Ltd, Mauritius. It’s hard to believe how quickly 3 years went by. I have lived a magical experience at the Faculty of Agriculture with the Agri Extension family, where I have discovered myself and what I love to do. Certainly, I feel sad to leave university and all my friends, but the good thing is that I’m still in agriculture and feel happy with what I do! 🙂
First picture of Agri Extension family (Year 1 – August 2008) |
Last picture of Agri Extension family (Year 3 – April 2011) |
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