Today, youths are advised to consider entrepreneurship for their career instead of looking for a job, but many of us do not know what are the steps to be taken to start a business. The Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) is a parastatal body under the aegis of… Read More
Posts in Entrepreneurship
Youth Unemployment in Mauritius
Youth unemployment is becoming an issue in many parts of the world. In some countries, youths are unemployed because they lack proper education, training and skills, while in other countries, their youths are unemployed because there are not enough jobs for graduates in the country. On 27th December 2011, the… Read More
Opportunities and Challenges in Agriculture
Today, it is a fact that very few people are interested to make their career in agriculture as they find more opportunities in other sectors and also prefer a job where they can have a higher status. But, there also exist some people who have left their “white collar jobs”… Read More
Hydroponics production in Mauritius
Gradual shift from traditional cultivation to Hydroponics in Mauritius Presently, most of the crops produced in Mauritius are obtained through the traditional open-field cultivation, but due to problems like infestation of pests and diseases, unfavourable weather conditions linked to climate change, shortage of labour and high cost of production, many… Read More
Focus on Agriculture in the National Budget 2012
Today, 4th November 2011, the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Hon. Xavier Luc Duval presented the National Budget for the year 2012. Highlights of the Budget can be read HERE. The following have been presented with respect to Agriculture in the National Budget 2012: “Consolidating Agriculture 111. Mr Speaker,… Read More