Hungry Planet – Episodes 6 and 7

Here are the latest episodes of Hungry Planet:

In the sixth episode of Hungry Planet: Roberto Baggio, Italian soccer star and FAO Goodwill Ambassador, witnesses the devastation of climate change on crops in the Peruvian Andes; Jim Carrey, Canadian-American actor and comedian, visits a school in Haiti and pledges meals for the entire school year and an innovative mobile school reaches out to isolated nomadic children in Mongolia through dance.

In this episode, we join IFAD on the Zanzibar islands where people are learning to farm with modern techniques, FAO checks up on farming families in Pakistan one year after the devastating floods and WFP gives an update on famine affected refugees in the Horn of Africa.

One billion. That’s the number of hungry people worldwide. The effects are heartbreaking. The causes myriad. Solutions are needed now to feed future generations. In this series, the UN ‘s three food agencies – FAO, WFP and IFAD – take us around the globe in search of answers to some of the most pressing questions we face today.

Source: YouTube

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