Hungry Planet Episodes 8 & 9

For some months, I have been posting the videos of Hungry Planet which I find very interesting. Each one of them shows how different parts of the world have been affected by hunger and poverty, and the actions that have been taken by the UN’s FAO, IFAD and WFP to mitigate its effects. Here are the episodes 8 and 9:

Hungry Planet – Episode 8
In this episode, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) faces serious food shortages after a harsh winter and flooding led to failed harvests. Developing small and medium size agricultural businesses helps reverse the flow of migration from moldova 20 years after the fall of the Soviet Union. In Senegal, planting and managing Acacia forests helps combat desertification while providing life-changing benefits to local communities.

Hungry Planet – Episode 9
In the ninth episode of Hungry Planet, war-weary Somali gather at a project to collect rubbish in return for payment in food. We also look at the causes of food price volatility in many parts of the world. And, in Ethiopia, pastoralists are trained to watch for warning signs of drought to avert future humanitarian crisis.

Source: Youtube

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