2011 has been one of the best years I have had so far. It has been a year full of learning and growth in terms of my personal and professional development. Looking back, there have been so many good times, which will remain memorable. The first 6 months was focused mainly on my development in AIESEC and the end of my university life and the last  months were on my professional development. 2011 has also been a year where I have done various site and field visits in agriculture for my studies and work purposes.
January – My best ever AIESEC National Conference and Global Village
I have attended 5 National Conference in AIESEC but my best one was in January 2011, whereby we have worked a lot and also had a great time with friends. The first ever Global Village was organised at National Level and was a very successful event with participation from 15 countries over the world.

AIESEC Summer National Conference 2011
February – Dissertation, AIESEC recruitment and 1st edition of AIESEC Mauritius Youth to Business Forum
February was a very busy month, with lectures at university, my dissertation and AIESEC work and events. Time management was very important! 🙂

AIESEC Recruitment February 2011
March – ARDYIS Youth Exchange and Training on Web 2.0 for Agricultural and Rural Development
My first trip out of the country, where I met other youths from ACP countries during the training on Web 2.0 for agricultural and rural development in Accra, Ghana from 7th to 11th March. This experience has been a very enriching one since all that I have learned during that week has been useful to me in my work and studies.

The ARDYIS Group in Accra, Ghana
April – Submission of Dissertation
April was very stressing! First two weeks I was busy with the submission of my dissertation and the last 2 weeks were spent in preparation for exams.

May – Final Exams, preparation for AIESEC Projects and my first ever Award
As soon as my exams were over, trainings were organised for AIESEC members who were going to work on projects in June and a colleague from AIESEC Italy came to help us realise these projects. We have shared our experiences and learned from each other. During this same month, my department (Incoming Exchange) was awarded best department in AIESEC University of Mauritius and I was awarded Best Leadership Role for the term 10-11.

My Awards – Best Department and Best Leadership Role for term 10-11
June – Implementation of AIESEC Projects and my first job
In June, 3 projects were launched by AIESEC UoM (orphan, HIV/AIDS, women empowerment) and I got my first job.

Me and the Organising Committee Presidents of the projects
July – Mauritius Business Excellence Award
The company I was working for (Meaders Feeds Ltd) got the 1st Prize for the Mauritius Business Excellence Award and I attended the event.

First Prize for Mauritius Business Excellence Award 2010 – Meaders Feeds Ltd
August – Just work and blogging
August was a month unlike others, where my focus was just on my job and I did nothing in AIESEC or any type of voluntary work. 

September – FANRPAN Regional Dialogue
The FANRPAN Regional Dialogue in Swaziland was another great experience, where the theme was on youth and I got my first big opportunity as a youth in agriculture. Read more HERE.

During a site visit at the Regional Dialogue in Swaziland
October – My Graduation
5th October was my special day: my Graduation. This one will surely remain memorable and I am proud of my Agriculture Degree! 🙂

My Graduation
November – Back in AIESEC and PAEPARD AIF Workshop
I got back in AIESEC in November by coaching members of AIESEC MITD and did the induction of interns who came for the project on education called “Teach Mauritius”. I was pleasantly surprised to be selected as Agricultural Innovation Facilitator by PAEPARD and attended a workshop in Entebbe, Uganda from 28th to 2nd December. This experience has been very enriching for my professional development and is another proof that youth are actually being given the chance to be involved in important projects in agriculture.

Group Photo of Agricultural Innovation Facilitators in Uganda
December – AIESEC and improving my blog
In December, I was officially added to the National Support Team for Incoming Exchange in AIESEC Mauritius and this month was also mainly about work and blogging! 🙂
This year has been a very productive one, but personally I think that this is just the beginning and more work needs to be done to make a positive impact. Today, I am proud that I have chosen to study agriculture at university since I really love what I do and I have discovered a new side of me. I have also been lucky to get a very rich AIESEC experience, through which I have been able to develop myself and my members. Finally I am glad that I saw each challenge as an opportunity and made the most of it. Well, I just hope that 2012 is a better year! 

Wish you all a Happy New Year 2012! 🙂

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  1. benzedid 12/31/2011 at 13:38

    well u had a busy and happy year 2011. wish u all the best for 2012 with many more exciting adventures.

  2. Yashvin 12/31/2011 at 14:52

    2011, a year during which I came to know you, through the blog 🙂

    Cheers and keep blogging!

  3. Nawsheen Hosenally 01/06/2012 at 18:31

    @shakeel: Thanks dear! Wish you also all the best for 2012! 🙂

    @Yashvin: Thank you! I’ll certainly keep on blogging! 🙂

  4. Raymond Erick Zvavanyange 01/11/2012 at 07:49

    2012 is better Nawsheen.
    All the best in your initiatives in Mauritius and beyond. There is always something to learn.


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