Peepli [Live] – An Indian movie on the life of farmers

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  1. Yashvin 09/14/2011 at 01:35

    I loved this film.
    Very different from what we see. No top stars, No top song from the hit lits.

    It really shows life inside India. What are your views about this film?

  2. Nawsheen Hosenally 09/16/2011 at 13:01

    I’ve also loved this movie for its simplicity and reality of a farmer’s life.

    But the main thing that really caught my attention from the very beginning was the scheme (which I find rather stupid) about compensating the family of a farmer who has committed suicide. Instead, farmers who are in financial trouble should be trained on how to improve their farming system and increase their revenue.

    Then it’s all about power and politics. Farmers are influenced by politicians and opinion leaders (which can clearly be seen here).

    And this situation is not only in India but in many countries including Mauritius. Many farmers have left agriculture due to lack of support from the government.

    The point is: This movie makes us think about what kind of problems farmers are facing and how they are being manipulated by the system.

  3. Yashvin 09/16/2011 at 13:34

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

    Bon weekend 🙂


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