Yesterday was one of those days when I could not believe what I was hearing. Elyn Hu, the current President of AIESEC Mauritius passed away in the terrible bus accident at Soreze, Mauritius, that took the lives of 10 people and 40 others were injured. Elyn was not just an AIESECer, but a leader, friend, change agent, and source of inspiration to many. The first thing that happened when I was told she left us was to see her smiling face in my mind..
I still remember that first contact I had with her. An email she sent me to join her team last year, and I just want to share part of that mail that really touched my heart..

“I cannot promise you a high salary, but I can promise you a team that everyone came here with a purpose and want their work to add up to something. Something big. Something that couldn’t happen anywhere else.

I cannot promise you a easy life (…..), but I can promise you a space for you to innovate, to do something of you own, something that change hundreds of lives.

I cannot promise you a lot of holidays and free time, but I can promise you a dynamic team comprising of 5 girls us from 4 different nationalities, everyone you can learn something from.

There’s work and there’s your life’s work.  

The kind of work that has your fingerprints all over it. 

The kind of work that you’d never compromise on. 

That you’d sacrifice a weekend for. 

You can do that kind of work at AIESEC. 

Hope you can consider being part of the us”

I was so tempted, but I had my own dreams of making a change in Agriculture and rural development, and I could not accept. Despite that, I was given the opportunity to work with the AIESEC Mauritius team during the National Conference in September 2012. 

I was in the conference team and stayed with them for 5 days. It was during that time that I really got to know Elyn. I am not easily impressed or inspired by many people, but she was one who really inspired me.

Her honesty, her simplicity, her dream of making a change for a better world, her hardwork, her positive attitude, her smile, the way she puts her heart in all she does and make you love what you do, pushes you to give it your best shot, the funny and ramdom gestures she used to make… These are the things I’ll always remember her for.

Elyn Hu, wherever you are right now, just know that even your stay with us was short, you have made a big impact on our lives. You are leaving a strong legacy and you’ll always be in our hearts! May your soul rest in peace and have fun in heaven, you totally deserve it!

“Keep walking, Never settle” – Elyn Hu

My sympathies to all families and friends of the victims in the incident.

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  1. mikesinnott963 05/05/2013 at 06:01

    Thanks for posting Elyn’s e-mail. By her text I can see that Elyn was an inspirational leader with an international vision. No doubt Elyn was a good scholar too. I am sure that, in her short life, this young woman has left a positive imprint and inspired many of her contemporaries. Nothing is ever lost.

    1. Nawsheen Hosenally 05/05/2013 at 07:57

      I just felt that I had to share it. thanks for reading and for your comment

  2. Anonymous 07/23/2013 at 14:04

    “Keep walking and never settle” those words strike me though i never knew her… Its hard to let agents of change as young as her go…the best we can do is to live by her words, and make her dreams come true in her absence

    Keep walking never settle


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