The closing ceremony and award of certificates of the Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity in Mauritius was held on 27th July 2012 at the Lecture Theatre 2 of the New Academic Complex, University of Mauritius. Present at the ceremony were the Pro-Chancellor and Vice Chancellor of the University of Mauritius, the… Read More
Posts tagged Mauritius
FANRPAN Youth Case Studies Twitter Campaign starting on 1st August 2012!
The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), in collaboration with the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA) commissioned 6 Country Case Studies (Malawi, Mauritius, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania and Zimbabwe) in November 2011 on current and emerging youth policies and initiatives with a special focus… Read More
Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity in Mauritius – Day 5, 13th July 2012
Day 5 was the last day of the first workshop on Web 2.0 Learning opportunities in Mauritius. The training started at 09:00 and the facilitator went over the programme for the day. On the Agenda, there was a session on Social Networking, whereby participants would be exposed to Linkedin and… Read More
Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity in Mauritius – Day 4, 12th July 2012
Day 4 started with some announcements made by the facilitator of the workshop, who informed the participants that the workshop certificate will be given to them during a ceremony to be held on 27th July 2012 at 14:00, together with the second batch who will be trained from 23-27 July… Read More
Web 2.0 Learning Opportunity in Mauritius – Day 3, 11th July 2012
The facilitators went through the meta cards on “wiki”, which was the last activity of the previous day. Each card was read and discussed with the participants. From the meta cards, it was noted that most participants were giving a description of the tool, rather than giving examples on how… Read More